We know that some adults, maybe like the older people you are hanging around with, draw young people just like you into sexual relationships.
They are nice to you – show you a lot of interest and affection in the beginning – to make you feel special.
Sometimes they ask groups of young people to come back to their house with older people.
They offer you drugs and alcohol – a place to chill out. They may even buy you presents like clothes, a mobile phone or credit, even give you money to buy things.
When they have gained your trust and affection they may change how they act around you.
They will ask for sexual favours for themselves and/or other people, in return for alcohol, drugs, presents, money - all the things they gave you free a while ago. They stop being nice and can become threatening and violent.
Their aim is to draw young people like you into swapping or selling sex. They are not really your friends.
People are worried about you and that is why you have been pointed towards this information.
Either your parents or a professional have noticed the warning signs and raised concerns that you may become involved in sexual exploitation.
The adults who have taken advantage of you are responsible and they are the people who have done something wrong.
You are not to blame if this is happening to you.