Training and development

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Training and Development

Welcome to the Rotherham Safeguarding Children Partnership (RSCP) Training Section, providing information for all practitioners who work with children, young people and their parents or carers in Rotherham. We provide e-learning packages and face to face workshops. You can look at the courses and apply by clicking the links below.

Free Learning and Development Courses

Abianda Training

What is the difference between a virtual classroom and an e learning course? 

The difference is that the virtual classroom course is led by a real tutor and is live. Delegates can ask questions and interact with the tutor and the other delegates. The platform allows for workshops, exercises, polls, videos, audio, documents, tutor webcam and games to be shared with the delegates making the experience immersive and interactive.

All training will be delivered in person, virtually or via e-learning

Learning & Development Strategy

View Learning & Development Strategy 2020-22

Safeguarding Children Competency Framework

The Rotherham Multi-agency Workforce Safeguarding Competency Framework outlines a key set of competencies that are aligned to specific public and voluntary sector roles. The framework has been developed across multi-agency partners and the competencies are ordered in relation to the levels and complexity of practitioner engagement. 'They are a comibination of skills, knowledge, attitudes and values that are required for safe and effecive practice'.

View the Safeguarding Children Competency Framework