Online safety - a guide for parents and carers
Online safety
Children and young people spend a lot of time online – it can be a great way for them to socialise, explore and have fun. But children do also face risks like cyber bulling or seeing content that’s inappropriate.”
Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? Make a report to one CEOP's Child Protection Advisors.
Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. Since 2006, Thinkuknow has been keeping children and young people safe by providing education about sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. Thinkuknow aims to ensure that everyone has access to this practical information – children, young people, their parents and carers and the professionals who work with them.
Parent Info provides high quality information to parents and carers about their children's wellbeing and resilience. In line with CEOP’s Thinkuknow programme, some of the content covers internet safety, but it all starts from the assumption that young people make little distinction between their online and offline lives and the issues for parents are often the same. The aim is to help parents help their children be discriminating, web-literate and resilient.
Rotherham Power offers advice and guidance about Apps that every parent and carer should know about; radicalisation and extremism (Prevent); parental guides and digital parenting magazines.
While schools are closed it is important that parent and carers are aware of the current advice and guidelines around online safety. Online safety agreements work very well if children or young people are doing dangerous things online or you are concerned with the amount of time your child may be spending online and what they are doing during this period.
Please see our guidance below, which will be added to during the coming months.
Online Safety Agreement - Children
Online Safety Agreement - Teenagers