RSCP Minimising Unconscious Bias in Child Criminal Exploitation

Have you ever realised that you made incorrect assumptions about someone which were based on first impressions or hearsay, or that you judged them incorrectly? We all jump to conclusions based on limited information, but what are the potential implications in a professional setting?

This workshop will explore unconscious bias in child criminal exploitation practice. The aim is to reduce the harmful impact of bias, stereotyping and assumption, and ensure that we all make the most objective decisions and take the most appropriate action for every child or young person.

We will learn about:
• The nature and different types of unconscious bias;
• The impact and implications of unwitting bias in child criminal exploitation situations; and
• Tips and strategies to identify, reduce and challenge bias in ourselves, in our teams, and in partnership working.

The workshop will be lively and interactive, delivered in a supportive and respectful environment which encourages professionals from across CCE services to challenge themselves and learn from each other.

Please come and join us!

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